​​About Us

​​​​The Dickens Fellowship of New York was founded in 1905, and for the past 120 years, it has sought to keep the memory and study of Charles Dickens alive, in New York City.

While the DFNY has some aspects of a literary society, it includes much more, as the name Fellowship implies. Our members meet monthly, on Saturday afternoons, and since the pandemic, all our meetings have been held over Zoom. Please visit our Meeting page for details.

We encourage all members to participate in our fun programs and activities, to their individual degree of interest, and we welcome new members from all walks of life, at all levels of interest in the writings and philosophies of Charles Dickens! Since the pandemic, our transition to Zoom has also allowed us to include members and guests from virtually all locations, as well.

Members of our Fellowship vote on upcoming Dickens novels, to be studied. Our regular meetings feature chapter presentations by DFNY member volunteers, followed by a Q&A session, led by our Vice President and Discussion Moderator. Our periodic in-person luncheons, particularly our December Holiday Gathering, are yearly highlights for our Fellowship. We occasionally host guest speakers, such as Dickens scholars, and have held group outings in the past, including a visit to Trinity Cemetery to view the grave of Alfred Tennyson Dickens, Son of Charles Dickens (1845-1912).

Yearly, due to the enthusiasm and support of our members, we are able to generously donate to causes and charities in New York City, which we believe would have appealed so strongly to the heart of Charles Dickens, were he still living.