The Dickens Fellowship of New York
Founded April 4, 1905
All are welcome!
Members of the Dickens Fellowship of New York (DFNY) seek to uphold the memory and study of author Charles Dickens. We share a common set of goals with other branches of the worldwide Dickens Fellowship.
The DFNY promotes comradery among lovers of Charles Dickens's works, advances Dickens's lifelong values, and preserves objects and works associated with Dickens. While the DFNY has some aspects of a literary society, or book club, it includes much more, as the name Fellowship implies. Our members are all "Friends in Dickens" and will become akin to a second family to those who join!
Although our Fellowship was founded in New York City, the virtual era has allowed participants to Zoom in from across the United States. We typically meet on the third Saturday of each month, in the afternoon, to discuss chapters from a selected Dickens work. Additionally, we hold at least one in-person luncheon per year, usually around the holidays, or on a date significant to Dickens's life. We occasionally invite scholars, or other guest speakers, to our meetings.
and we have hosted guest speakers in the past. Visit our meeting page for details.
The Dickens Fellowship of New York is currently reading and analyzing The Old Curiosity Shop. Please visit our Meetings page for details on our monthly readings/locations/dates/times and contact information.